In a post-apocalyptic world where humanity exists as hive colonies in hollowed out mountains, a transhuman survivor of a fallen legion finds himself trapped in the pit of Hive Absolumn. To escape, Blaksol cuts a deal to assassinate a God in exchange for a path to freedom. The assassination triggers strong reactions in the Hive and Blaksol finds himself mired in a web of conspiracy as he fights his way out, battling deadly Cataphracts, mutie hordes, bloodthirsty pit scum, augmented posthumans and killer robots.
Genre: Science-Fiction, Horror
Format: 180 Pages, Perfect Paperback Publish Date: 5 November 2023
Story: Juliana Sze-Jin Koh and Somjai Satjatham |Artist: Somjai Satjatham Type: Weng Heng Lo | Editor: Juliana Sze-Jin Koh